Travel safe with your child

For children, safety is never enough. At any time of the day, wherever they are. That's why CYBEX has created SensorSafe, a control system that helps prevent possible critical situations in the car.
SensorSafe is a clip that attaches to the seatbelt system of all CYBEX i-Size and gb's Vaya i-Size seats and constantly maintains information about baby safety and health. Using it is really simple and above all smart.
The technology is activated as soon as the clip is closed. And notifications are invited via smartphone thanks to the Bluetooth system and the reference app. Whenever SensorSafe detects a possible danger, you receive a beep and a notification on your smartphone so you can take immediate action.
The 5 functions of SensorSafe
- SensorSafe alerts you immediately if your child unbuckles their seatbelts.
- SensorSafe continuously checks the car's temperature and sends a notification if the car is not comfortable.
- When the child is left in the car alone, the app in question sends 2 notifications at short distance.
- On long trips, every two hours, SensorSafe sends a notification reminder that you need to stop and take a break for your child.
- The check-up function optimises the child's comfort and helps the exact use of the seat.
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