Diabetes in children? Here's what to do

Diabetes is a disease that can affect even the youngest children. It is almost always possible to diagnose it in time if you notice some symptoms that can sound like alarm bells. What are they?
The little one drinks more than normal, eats a lot more, loses weight inexplicably and often feels the need to pee. Unusual drowsiness and easy tiredness can also be signs to consider. In the presence of these behaviours, it is advisable to contact your paediatrician to make him/her aware of the situation and see what to do. In some cases, a rapid urine test for sugar may be sufficient to make the diagnosis. Similarly, children assessed for the same reasons, should be subjected to a capillary blood glucose test, in addition to the detection of the usual parameters, such as pressure, saturation, heart rate. But be careful! It does not make sense to carry out a comprehensive test as a preventative measure and in the absence of specific indications.
Diabetes is the most common pathology in pediatrics. It is calculated, in fact, that there are 16 thousand children affected in Italy and that 1500 every year present the first symptoms of the disease. Of them 40% of them then incur diabetic ketoacidosis, which is an important complication that requires specific treatment in hospital to avoid the risk of serious neurological effects or even fatal outcomes.
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