At sea with the newborn baby: 8 things not to forget

Going to the sea with a newborn requires good preparation without a shadow of a doubt. This is precisely why an extra bag is added in the trunk. But what exactly do you put in it? Here is the exact list according to the experts.
1. A bag exclusively for our baby - The first thing to put on the list is a bag for our baby. What does this mean? One bag will be for the mother and one for the newborn. This is necessary because everything that will be needed for the baby will be easily available in one place.
2. One or more changes - It is important to have one or more changes with you as you may get dirty or sweat. Experts always recommend very light and perfectly breathable short-sleeved cotton leotards or comfortable cotton rompers.
3. High protection sunscreen - Sunscreen should be applied to the newborn at least 3 hours before going to sea. Infants need high and safe protective filters. Normally, it is recommended to always use high sun protection, with SPF50 or 50 for babies. Obviously, let's never forget that infants should not be directly exposed to the sun's rays under 12 months, as they would risk compromising their skin, and even more so during the hottest hours.
4. The little hat - The little hat is one of those essential accessories for a baby that is taken to the beach. It is good to make them wear it even if it is under the parasol or in the stroller, as the sun's rays penetrate the same.
5. Diapers and wet wipes - Diapers and wet wipes are a must in our baby's bag. They can never, ever be forgotten. It would be an unforgivable mistake.
6. Water - It is essential. Its temperature should never be too cold, but not too hot given the heat.
7. Anti-mosquito spray - It is necessary for any mosquitoes that might sting him.
8. A cotton cover - A cotton cover in case the baby falls asleep or gets too windy.
A few questions and answers
What should you put in the baby's bag when you go to sea?
First of all, the newborn baby must have its own bag for the sea, which in turn must contain changes, sunscreen, a hat, water, diapers with wipes, a cotton cover and a spray against mosquitoes.
Is it necessary to take the baby's mosquito spray to the sea?
Of course it should. It can, in fact, be very useful, especially in spaces where there are insects.
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