The importance of grandparents and the role of parents

Today, more than ever, grandparents are precious figures for the emotional and relational growth of our children. They offer the child the family continuity that gives the child the certainty of having a precise place in the world and of being surrounded by people on whom he can count.
Between grandparents and grandchildren, generally, develops a unique, magical and special relationship where you learn to grow and deal with life. A grandfather or grandmother not only conveys a sense of tradition, but also of continuity between the old teachings and the new ones, in a sort of educational pact.
Grandparents and parents: a relationship to safeguard
- Grandparents don't have to improvise visits to grandchildren, but must inform them of their arrival.
- Grandparents must be members of the family and never guests.
- You parents must ensure that you respect the limits and rules established by you as a family. Grandparents must, in fact, know how to take a step back and consider that it is not up to them to decide what to do or not to do with the little one. Also, keep in mind that pediatric guidelines are constantly changing, so the things they tell you about weaning, sleep, and the plot is probably different now, and it's up to them to adapt.
- Make sure that grandparents show the same affection and availability with all grandchildren. It is wrong to show favouritism openly to grandchildren. Grandparents must be at the heart of the family, stable and firm, guided by a strong sense of justice and equity.
- Never let yourself be belittled as a parent, you only risk tightening your relationships with your grandparents.
- Listen to the advice. Always evaluate grandparents' words without ever feeling compelled to do what they say.
In short, the role of grandparents is important and is undoubtedly "a role without a role", because it is not linked to any pre-established bond, as happens with parental figures; it is a family role even if it is not part of the small nucleus formed by parents and children, and it is always the parents who dictate the rules of education that even grandparents must abide by out of respect for father and mother, but especially not to interrupt the educational process that forms day after day.
Lucia Franco
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