Little brother coming? Here's how to tell the firstborn

The youngest children can discover the arrival of a little brother calmly, thanks above all to the help of fairy tales. But for those who are already 6/7 years old, the news can be communicated immediately without hiding anything. Although the arrival of a new member can always be seen with great effort by a child accustomed to being the center of attention by parents and grandparents.
Communicating the expectancy of a new child can be done in different ways, depending on the age of the first-born child. However, it is necessary to always use simple and affectionate words to better explain the new arrival.
Normally, mom and dad want to talk about their new arrival with their firstborn, preparing it a bit at a time. That choice only proves to be right from the age of five. Up to 2 years of age, it is better to start talking only when you see the bump and it is almost time to give birth. The little ones do not understand discursive places, so it is helpful to read an illustrated book on the subject together. From 3 to 4 years old, the best way to communicate is to make the firstborn feel like his little brother kicking in his mother's belly. This, however, without forcing and only if the child shows curiosity. tackling the subject calmly and in small steps.
Don't push the firstborn away
At the age of 6, a child understands adults' speeches and it is a good idea to tell them the news immediately because they might otherwise feel excluded. You can discuss with him how he will change family life, reassure him that there will be no lack of love for him and show him the positive aspects of having a little brother or sister. Some parents entrust their grandchildren with the task of giving birth, but it is better that the grandparents move home with them. Remaining in his environment, the child will experience the passage in a more relaxing and less traumatic way.
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