Fairy tales help you grow up

Fairy tales are true metaphors of life, they tell something about us, and especially help us to grow up. In fact, they contain universal themes that belong to the psychic reality of every human being.
The fairy tale for a child
Telling the adventures of princes and princesses, knights and fairies is a useful experience that enriches both the young and the single parent, as it allows you to strengthen their emotional bond and share moments of magic. The fairy tale we tell our child when he is still a puppy has a very important function: it activates, in fact, his imagination, supports the mechanisms of psychic growth and brings him closer in an indirect and gradual way to what he can face in everyday life.
The essence of the individual stories is not so much the moral as the confidence of being able to deal with the individual difficulties. The greatest teaching of fairy tales can be expressed in the pedagogy of success, as they bring examples depicting a victory deò bene over evil. In fact, in the world of imagination, the bad guys always end up succumbing to the tenacity and goodness of the good guys. By identifying with the hero, the child can safely retrace his fears, free himself from feelings of anger and see his need for recognition, freedom and realization of his deepest desires triumph.
The power of a fairy tale
When our child is not able to express his discomfort, a fairy tale can help him to express his emotions, give them a name and rework them. Sometimes language based on images, symbols and metaphors can be the right language to adopt. When there is a problem, the fairy tale allows us to communicate more easily with our child, as it has in itself a very effective power of self-healing, because it is a direct product of the world of the psyche, where anxieties and fears are generated.
How to invent the perfect fairy tale and overcome fears
The simplest way is to invent a protagonist who must be absolutely a fantasy character, so that the child can take the right distance from the story you go to tell, but at the same time must have some traits of the child, in order to allow identification. The narrative should have three essential moments: the beginning (presentation of the characters), the crisis (central part of the problem to be addressed) and the conclusion in which a happy ending is established. The latter is very important because it instills courage and hope, as well as teaching the child that the difficulties of life can be faced, but also overcome to return to well-being.
Lucia Franco
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