Looking at your child sleeping is a wonderful thing, simply unique. However, it is good to know that, during the night, the newborn is much more vulnerable than an adult and that it needs some extra attention.
But what can happen during sleep?
During sleep the little one can discover himself and get cold or even that the sheet that wraps him wraps around his body creating discomfort to his nap.
The sleeping bag: great solution for your child
A good idea could be to use the special sleeping bags, which make sure that the newborn baby is not discovered: they allow free movement of the legs, are practical, safe, comfortable, warm and leave out the arms, so that the child can move them. It is a real pyjamon, closed at the bottom, with suspenders that allow the child to remain covered and secure on his shoulders. You can find those in warm fleece and cotton with inner padding.
In addition, their padding protects them from temperatures below 20 degrees. These are bags of 2.5-3 tog, for a warm and protected sleep. Depending on the outside temperature, in addition to the bag protection, the little one may need warmer clothing, such as a chenille romper.
How do I know if my child is hot or cold?
To understand if the child is hot or cold, the best thing is to touch the nape of the neck or the base of the neck, because due to a natural vasoconstriction phenomenon the hands and feet of the newborns tend to be almost always cold and, therefore, do not make any text.
In addition, the room temperature should be kept constant at 20 degrees so that your baby does not feel too much heat.
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