Diet during breastfeeding: nutritional indications

When we talk about diet during the breastfeeding period it is good to know that we are simply talking about a varied diet and more abundant than normal, but without exaggerating in quantities.
According to some studies, the healthy and balanced diet, followed during breastfeeding and even before in an interesting state, greatly influences the milk secretion, with psychic repercussions on both mother and newborn baby. A baby, therefore, that "sucks" his mother's milk will benefit from all the essential nutritional principles, thanks to the completeness and nutritional balance of this extraordinary food, which is also the most efficient way to transmit maternal antibodies to the infant and consequently also to the baby.
The good diet of new mum
A mother who breast-feeds her baby must eat in a well-balanced way the protein foods, rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A, fundamental substances to guarantee good milk for her baby and good health for him.
For example, fish such as eggs and (well cooked) meat guarantee to cover the need for fatty acids and amino acids as well as iron, minerals and vitamins. While vegetables, fruit, cereals and legumes are a source of fiber, vitamins and trace elements. Yes to pasta and rice, but in moderation.
Foods should always be prepared in a simple way, trying to avoid as much as possible unhealthy foods, such as fried foods, over-fat foods and sweets. Watch out for the grill! It is necessary to always remove the charred or toasted parts as they are not good for the mother or her child.
As for water, it is advisable to drink at least 2.5/3 liters per day, preferably low-mineral with a low fixed residue. In this phase, the supply of liquids for the regulation of the hydro-saline balance is important.
Recommended foods
To cover the right dietary needs, the recommended foods are:
yoghurt, fresh cheese, legumes, fruit, vegetables (especially those of yellow-orange and dark green for the content of minerals and vitamins), blue fish, meat, eggs, oil EVO.
Foods to be consumed in moderation
The foods to be consumed with moderate are:
coffee, tea (better if you hold it), chocolate.
Foods not recommended
Foods that are not recommended include:
alcohol (spirits, wine, beer), crustaceans, molluscs and game. To these are added (unless they have already been part of the diet in an interesting state), also, fermented cheeses, cabbage, garlic, onion, asparagus, peppers, strawberries, grapes, cherries, peaches, apricots, as some can change the flavor of milk, others are harmful to the newborn, and others expose it to the risk of food intolerances.
L. F.
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