The Crying of the Newborn: The 6 Types

The first form of communication of the newborn is crying. All children cry in the same way and essentially for the same things. However, we often do not know how to behave or how to interpret their signals without misunderstanding them.
Here are the 6 types of newborn crying
1. Crying for hunger or thirst
The crying of starvation is surely the one we hear most frequently. It is characterized by varying its intensity presenting very high treble peaks, where the intensity tends to grow as hunger increases. Very often the crying is accompanied by the gesture of the newborn baby to carry his hand in his mouth, or go in search of the breast by turning his head around, or simply sucking his finger. The interruption of crying is instantaneous when the baby sees the meal.
2.Crying for the dirty diaper
When your child is wet and/or dirty, he or she cries so lamenting. This is a signal that has the stamp of discomfort, of malaise, not of pain or suffering.
3. Culic plant
Colic is one of the most common maladies for newborns. They are so common that they are almost considered normal. Colic is nothing more than a natural physiological response for feeding milk, where the baby's stomach tends to swell, causing a little pain.
In this case weeping is almost a sudden cry without moaning, which leaves him breathless and with a prolonged breathlessness. In this case, the only thing to do is to act with small massages on your stomach. Moreover, the contact with the mother is of great comfort to the child and that is why almost all the cries are attenuated, are placated, in the arms, even if the pain does not pass.
4. Crying for Fatigue
Sleep crying has some characteristics in common with starvation crying because it begins quietly and then becomes more and more urgent until it takes on tones of real despair. A typical sign of tiredness is the classic wrinkled eyes accompanied by a gentle cry and rhythmic rhythm. In this case it is enough to sing a lullaby gently and rock it gently to reconcile the rest.
5. Weeping of the abandonment
The cry of abandonment is very strong, especially in the first months of life of the newborn and always manifests when the baby, waking from sleep, does not feel the presence of the mother. It is the crying of an existential need and by welcoming it, the mother ensures that the child grows inwardly well and quietly.
In addition, infants are 100% dependent on their parents and require constant attention, when they feel loneliness or indifference, or even when they feel loneliness I want the constant presence of their mother and father. This type of crying is monotonous and stops immediately as soon as you take the baby in your arms.
Nervous weeping
Nervous crying is expressed through a basic crying with a greater effort of the vocal cords by the newborn. The sound is more jarring and the visor contracted with pulled grimaces. The main causes can be: position, noise, too much silence, temperature or light (which can disturb sleep but only if it appears suddenly).
Lucia Franco
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