Crib sheets: everything you need to know

The sheets for newborns have always been a puzzle for everyone because we often get confused by the measurements and risk making the wrong purchases, for this reason, the sheets for cribs are often not even given to new parents so as not to fall into the trap of making a gift that cannot be used because it does not correspond to the measurements of the crib or cot.
When you are in the seventh month of pregnancy it is necessary to provide for all the layette and the main accessories useful for the newborn baby, so provide for the purchase of the cot, the trio or pram and their respective linens and it must be taken into account that, especially for the first few weeks, our baby will spend most of the time in the pram or cot, so it is better to have a few extra sheets in order to always have a clean change. At the time of purchase, however, come the first doubts, on the size of the sheets of the cot and often also on the suitability of the right fabric for the season and the quality of sheets for cot.
To eliminate any doubt let's start with the size of the sheets according to where you choose to sleep your baby. Usually the sheets for newborns were divided into 3 categories but for some time has entered a fourth category of sheets that often sends even more confusion who must buy.
PUSSYSHEETS: The first category are definitely the pram sheets; in fact many new parents prefer to keep their baby most of the time in the pram, probably because of the canopy that acts as a shelter from light, sounds and possible unwanted contacts. These sheets have as measure 80x110 and have a minimal difference compared to the sheets culletta. In any case, there are many models of pram on the market, so often the measures of the mattresses may vary by a few centimetres, which is why you tend to buy cot sheets that are a little longer. It 's always better to have a few inches more than less.
CRIBSHEETS: Crib sheets have a standard size 120x90 for the top sheet. Often these sheets are also used for the cradle pram as the difference is minimal (only 10 cm) and often in the new generation of prams with thicker mattresses and comfortable need a little more fabric. The cots now on the market are of many types: round, oval, rectangular for this often if you do not yet know the shape of the mattress is advisable to take the sheet under without corners.
BEDSPREAD: its measures are 180x120. Here it is impossible to make a mistake, the bed, equipped with bars is easily recognizable in any material. Obviously for the first few weeks you can keep the child still in the pram, then in the following months we can move in the bed but you need to buy the bumpers so that it does not collide with the bars and can make the hurt.
LENZUOLA NEXT2ME: now is depopulating the cradle bed side that allows a more comfortable cooslpeeping, in this case we must buy the sheets of special measures because the sheets from cot will not go well, in fact the measures are: 135x98 for the sheet above and 83x52 for the sheet with corners.
E 'difficult to find sheets cot or cot sold individually, now almost everywhere are offered coordinated sets of sheet under, sheet over and pillowcase with the same embroidery, and the same patterns and colors. Obviously you should always prefer safe materials, such as cotton, of certified origin and prefer light colors or even better white synonymous with the absence of dyes. Obviously, pastel colours are also good, the important thing is that they are certified colours or of Italian origin (since all Italian products must comply with state regulations on production and supply chain). Prices vary, but a set of sheets cot excellent cotton can be between 20 and 40 € maximum, unless they are sheets designer or particularly valuable fabrics.
The material of the cot sheet obviously varies depending on the season but in any case the best fabric is 100% cotton, which has excellent breathability and does not stagnate moisture. Surely they must be soft, delicate and breathable to ensure the newborn a safe space during the rest, and of course the material must meet all the safety standards. Cotton, with its bivalent function, retains heat and provides warmth in the coldest periods, while in hot weather it becomes fresh and light. Its breathability leaves the skin and space always dry and being hypoallergenic does not create redness or irritation on the delicate skin of the child. It is not necessary to have coordinated sets of crib sheets for the seasons, 100% cotton is adaptable to any temperature and is definitely the safest material. During the colder months it will be sufficient to add blankets, although it is always better not to cover the baby excessively but rather to try to keep the house warm and dehumidified. In fact, the newborn baby in any case tends to uncover himself and move around, so help him to keep warm by wearing heavy pyjamas rather than too many blankets, as they are one of the main causes of SIDS (cot death).
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