Polycystic ovary: a problem at conception?

Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrinometabolic pathology, which involves a higher percentage of anovulatory cycles, i.e. without ovarian release.
Cysts in the ovaries are follicles blocked in their maturation that have not been reabsorbed.. Before proceeding with the various verifications - says Dr. Anna Maria Paoletti - an advice can be to wait a year and, only if conception does not take place, it will be appropriate to go deeper. -
For example - explains the doctor - controlling sugar metabolism with a glucose load test, especially in the case of overweight: some women with polycystic ovaries also have peripheral resistance to insulin which translates, at ovarian level, into increased secretion of male hormones (androgens) and, at systemic level, into an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In case the test is positive, metformin, a drug that improves the glycemic picture, and inositol, a supplement, can be administered to the insulin metabolism. - Another useful test - continues the doctor - is the dosage of progesterone, around the 20th - 21st day of the cycle, to see if ovulation takes place; otherwise the doctor can prescribe clomiphene citrate, which is used to induce it. In the presence of hirsutism, thyroid function is checked to exclude a possible problem of hyperandrogenemia. As far as the future pregnancy is concerned, it will be necessary to keep the weight under control and take care of the diet, all the more so if the woman is suffering from insulin resistance, so as not to incur pregnancy diabetes. Finally, taking folic acid and B12 vitamins even before conception allows to avoid up to 70% of newborn malformations related to neural tube defects. -
The polycystic ovary can already occur in adolescence
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a rather common disorder and is the most frequent cause of infertility related to chronic anovulators. It affects between 5 and 10% of women. It often begins in adolescence with menstrual irregularities and manifests itself with metabolic dysfunctions especially in the perimenopausal period. Familiarity is documented in 50% of cases, but the exact mechanism of transmission is unknown. The excessive presence of hair in the prepubertal period and overweight are possible risk factors.
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