
Even dads take care of their children

Even dads take care of their children

According to a study conducted in 2015, dads have become increasingly central to their children's lives in recent years. In fact, fathers who establish a deep relationship with their children, as much as mothers do, allows their children to grow better.

The role of the father

A present dad tends to be more stimulating and vigorous. Daddy can challenge little ones to explore, otherwise interactions with mom provide more security, calm and balance. Dads are more likely to make the child hear new words in order to accelerate the development of his language.

How to become a good dad

Start by being a good husband or partner because good husbands also become good dads.
2.Take care of your baby while his mother rests or tries to do the housework. She needs it, more than she can imagine, so you'll have more time to spend with the child.
3. Always show your love to the little one. So a hug is worth a thousand words.
4. Get up for the night feeding with your mother. It is important to participate in breastfeeding. It seems useless, but these feeds are really a moment of great closeness and complicity with your partner.
Never treat your life partner and your baby badly.
It is unthinkable to be a good father if you hurt your child or your mother, even once.
7.Play and have fun. Time flies too fast. The more time you spend with them, the more your life will be full of satisfactions and sweet memories.

The effects of daddy care on children

The father would have a positive impact on the health of the children, on their emotional and cognitive development and on their inclusion in the world of adults. The father influences the family environment not only because he affects the psychological well-being of the mother by giving her first emotional support during breastfeeding, but he himself contributes in determining a positive care by taking care of the newborn and adapting to his needs.
Taking your baby in your arms is not only a privilege of your mother, but also of your father. This type of approach is necessary for the child as it is a means of knowledge between the child and his parents. The skin of the newborn is, in fact, a means to get in touch with his emotions, making himself "familiar". So, dear Dad, as soon as possible, rest the baby on his naked chest so that he can listen to your heartbeat and your breath, beginning to know him and to build a relationship of trust with you.

Lucia Franco

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