How to live the 9 months of pregnancy

1st Quarter - in case of miscarriage
According to experts, 17% of pregnancies are miscarried in the first few weeks, sometimes even before the woman has taken the pregnancy test and discovered that she is pregnant. Usually, this is due to a random chromosomal alternation of the embryo that prevents the continuation of the pregnancy and the survival of the fetus. However, the lack of a mother should not feel responsible for the loss. This is also because during pregnancy normal everyday activities do not prevent it from starting and carrying on, except in special cases.
2nd Quarter - attention to milk and its derivatives
Unpasteurized milk and raw milk cheeses, such as feta and brie, can carry the bacterium of listeriosis, a gastrointestinal infection that, contracted in the second quarter, increases the risk of premature birth. In Italy, cases of listeriosis are rare, so the risk of contracting it during pregnancy is very low. Therefore, it is good to avoid the consumption of these foods during the pregnant period. Other vehicles of the bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes, are raw eggs and foods containing them, which should also be avoided because they can cause salmonella toxins.
3rd Quarter - can you know the fetus' weight in advance?
The weight of the newcomer is calculated during the ultrasound check in the 3rd trimester by comparing 4 ultrasound parameters: the length of the femur, the biparietal diameter, i.e. the distance between the temples, the cranial and abdominal circumference. The numbers are then examined by the gynaecologist with special intrauterine growth tables published by the World Health Organization, to establish the development of the fetus towards the end of pregnancy. Obviously, this is only an estimate, the accuracy of which can only be checked at birth.
Pregnancy week calculation: how to know when you will give birth
Often when you meet a pregnant woman you ask her what month of pregnancy she is. However, it would be much more appropriate to ask the expectant woman her week of pregnancy for two specific reasons: the first is that..
ReadA blood test to predict the date of birth
A simple blood test could predict quite precisely the date of birth and also the possibility that the pregnancy will end before the end. The new technique was developed by Stanford University and consists of the analysis of..